Saturday, November 11, 2006

Rob Gives up Smoking....

I think that it is important to share what for me was a life changing time, and if I can make it any easier for someone else trying to kick the smoking habit that would be fantastic, and well worth the half an hour that it took me to write this article.
Smoking, why do we do it? Well.. at the time it feels great, gives us that nicotine rush that makes smoking more important to us than living a long and healthy life. I sometimes wonder how something so addictive and bad for the body can be legal, I guess it goes back to the days when smoking was considered cool and not known to be so harmful to your health.
Giving up smoking is a little like starving yourself, and not letting yourself have anything to eat. That is what it feels like anyway. If you don't smoke, then you don't understand so you might as well go and read one of the other articles!
Ok so how to stop smoking? Well instead of telling yourself you can never have another cigarette, how about this. First you need to go an buy yourself a pack of wee willem cigars from your local store, this will be the catalyst to your success if you follow this technique.
Now knowing that your nicotine cravings will be quenched at the end of the week, you need to give up for 7 days. Your reward will be 1 wee willem cigar and this will take away the craving. That's easier than giving up forever right? of course it is easier, it is only a few days. Once you finish the 7 days you will be almost desperate to have the cigar, then you will smoke it and it will get rid of your craving however it will taste kinda gross. Yep cigars taste not the best and you will not be in a hurry for another one.
Great the first seven days is up, your craving has been overcome by the gross cigar, now you need to go another 7 days, this is the key, you need to keep doing it. Once the 7 days is up you can have another cigar. And so on.
What one finds after a few weeks of this is that the grossness of the cigar starts to overcome the urge of the nicotine fix, which by ignoring for 7 days at a time starts to loose its grasp on your body. Before you know it you don't really need or want that cigar. But remember if you feel like falling off the wagon do not have a cigarette, wait until the end of the current 7 day period and rip into a cigar.
A simple process that worked for me, and could work for you. It is easier than going cold turkey because the willpower that you have cannot remain strong indefinitely, this way you get to have a rest after 7 days, then fired up once again can continue on the path to a better life.
Disclaimer: Cigars are worse for you than cigarettes so do this at your own risk! It could quite possibly be worst for your health, especially if you become addicted to smoking cigars.

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