Saturday, December 2, 2006

sue's hypnotist.

Sue’s hypnotist

I Started smoking at age 17. I smoked for 4 yrs and smoked approximately twenty a day, my husband is a non smoker so I wanted to quit for him, I went to a hypnotist in Auckland. Found her through the phone book, her name appealed to me, I went along, stubbed my cigarette out at the door and left a packet of cigarettes on my car seat and went into her office The session lasted about one and a half hours, we talked for a while about what I wanted out of giving up then she put me under, I don’t remember what she said but I remember a strange smell. She brought me back charged me $75 and I left.

I got into my car and my cigarettes were still on the seat, I drove home and I had no urge or interest to light up. I gave the packet away to a friend a few days later, I just didn’t want them, I had no desire to ever smoke again I wasn’t concerned being in the company of other smokers it just didn’t worry me.

I initially put on a bit of weight not because I was using food as a substitute but I was healthier, I felt I had more energy and Danny said I smelled nicer, but then he stunk of beer,

Since then I’ve known of other people that have gone to hypnotists with mixed success. My brother and his mate went to one (not the same one). Phil walked out and never smoked again but my brother gave up 2 years later but the hypnotist told them that it may not be immediate. Phil isn’t concerned about being around smokers but Ted loathes the smell and complains about smokers.

Monica went to one and she didn’t smoke for a day but that’s as long as it lasted,

Monica went because of financial problems Phil was having health problems, and Ted went to support Phil At the time Ted thought it was a load of rubbish but now he truly thinks it was responsible for him giving up even though it was years later,

Elaine went to one and his method was to convince her that cigarettes tasted of disgusting burning rubber, but it didn’t stop her smoking, she would spit and pull faces as she smoked them, this continued for a couple of weeks till she got used to it.